One of the following memberships:
- Membership or provisional membership as a Chartered Accountant or an Associate Chartered Accountant with the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants
- Membership or provisional membership as an Associate or Certified Practising Accountant with CPA Australia
但是我在看官网Occupational registration这个页面的时候
发现 occupational registration authority的list只有NZICA并没有提及到CPA Australia
You will only qualify for points for a job offer in these occupations under the Skilled Migrant Category if you can prove to us that:
•you have been granted full or provisional registration by the relevant New Zealand occupational registration authority and can therefore legally work in that occupation in New Zealand,
NZICA 和 CPA Australia 都可以申请PR 但是只有NZICA membership可以有工作加分 而CPA Australia可以申请但是没有加分?
sorry啊~~~ 有点长
2楼wind(03 May 2016, New Zealand)到了新西兰后你会发现几乎所有学校都有Associate membership of cpa Australia ,没有当地job offer基本申请PR无望,这里很多人压根都不把jack-liu的博客看完研究一遍的,提出的问题让人非常无语@TA
#2caren26 Apr 2016 China你好!看了您博客关于新西兰移民的东西觉得很详细很受用。我有一个问题可以咨询您吗?就是我在国内有本科及硕士医学学位,想通过去奥克兰留学移民,但将要读的专业是会计,当我读完1.5年后有工作签证时,可否选回本来的医学专业来找对口的工作技术移民?还是一定要用在新西兰读的会计专业来找工作技术移民?Thank u for reading. Waiting for ur reply. Best wishes. 回复
#7Danna30 Apr 2016 New Zealand博主您好,看了你的博客受益匪浅,所以想向您咨询。我30岁,女,国内银行工作五年经验,2015年来奥克兰读语言,至今快一年,原来计划读商科,但是了解不好就业后想换专业,这让我非常头疼,雅思成绩6左右,不知道学哪个专业比较适合方便姓名,希望得到您的指点
2楼Danna(30 Apr 2016, New Zealand)补充:本人本科学历信息系统管理专业,单身,对于营销类工作比较擅长,但了解不容易移民,目前只想尽量缩短移民时间,您觉得什么专业比较合适@TA
我没有注册资格,那请问是不是没有申请的资格了?如果想注册,有什么办法呢 回复
我是一枚whver 还未登陆
职业是会计 国内本科会计专业毕业 管理学学士 有Associate membership of cpa Australia
在官网上看到我是有资格申请PR的 下面传送门
Required standard
One of the following memberships:
- Membership or provisional membership as a Chartered Accountant or an Associate Chartered Accountant with the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants
- Membership or provisional membership as an Associate or Certified Practising Accountant with CPA Australia
但是我在看官网Occupational registration这个页面的时候
发现 occupational registration authority的list只有NZICA并没有提及到CPA Australia
You will only qualify for points for a job offer in these occupations under the Skilled Migrant Category if you can prove to us that:
•you have been granted full or provisional registration by the relevant New Zealand occupational registration authority and can therefore legally work in that occupation in New Zealand,
综上所述 他们是不是这个意思:
NZICA 和 CPA Australia 都可以申请PR 但是只有NZICA membership可以有工作加分 而CPA Australia可以申请但是没有加分?
sorry啊~~~ 有点长 回复
我的学历是从大专考的研究生,大专是IT相关专业,研究生是MBA,没有本科的证书这个影响大吗? 回复
谢谢! 回复
谢谢! 回复
我在新西兰留学期间在一家二手车商那里打工,老板愿意雇佣我,我想问问,他的这一份OFFER算不算技术移民里面提到的JOB OFFER啊?
如果不算,我是不是只有指望在留学生开放工签的一年时间里面找到对口的会计或者金融工作才可以到140分申请PR啊? 回复